How to help
Commit to the regular practice of placing your mobile device in your car's glove compartment (or glove box) EVERY time and as soon as you get into the driver’s seat. Demand your family, friends and all of your drivers to do the same.
Place our magnets on your cars and decals on your phones.
"Like" our page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (#gloveit).
Encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to read and compose emails and texts, scroll, dial, instagram, snapchat, and finish ALL hands on cell phone use before getting behind the wheel. It’s not just texting!
Resume hands on phone use ONLY when your engine is off and you have arrived at your destination.
Share the facts, statistics and dangers of operating a mobile phone while driving.
Consider having your business make a donation to our non-profit organization which will help us to spread the message.
Visit Our Online Store
Glove It Phone Decal
Glove It
Car Magnet
Questions? Comments? Glove It strategies or stories to share? Suggestions on how to
further promote the Glove It campaign?
We'd love to hear from you!
Please fill out our contact us form